Purchasing: Hunter Vs. C&C Vs. Islander Vs. Chance Vs. Paceship
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Rick Cortese
Posts: n/a
Purchasing: Hunter Vs. C&C Vs. Islander Vs. Chance Vs. Paceship
smoke up my you know what? Any comments or constructive critsism will
be greatly appreciated.
What Terry said about getting a marine survey and/because
Call your insurance agent. I would just about bet for sure they want a
marine survey before they will insure the boat. Marinas want proof of
insurance before they will let you get a slip.
Depending on the insurance company they may require the boat be hauled
out for the survey. This adds another ~$300 to the ~$10 a foot it
already costs for a survey. Best of luck to you on getting both
scheduled in time for your purchase.
About the smoke thing, insurance companies may even require a survey
done by someone not associated in any way with the broker.
The haul out is a moving target. They may not require it on the boats
less then a certain age or they may require it for everything.
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