Secrets lost in Secret Cove
On 4 Jun 2006 07:00:20 -0700, "
JohnH wrote:
Very nice story. Glad you stayed up late to share it with us. Just makes me
want to spend a couple months on the waters up that way, though.
John H
A couple of months isn't really long enough to soak it all in. (Soaking
being an appropriate verb for spending time up here, of course). One of
the freedoms that come with my job is the total absence of a fixed
schedule. If I want to write from 10 AM to 2 PM, or 10 PM to 2 AM it
doesn't make any difference either way.
I've got a photo that illustrates that last paragraph. Perhaps I'll put
it on the photo site and come back and establish a link.
Well, when I come up for the ride on your boat, for how many months should
I plan to be out???
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****