Thread: Lost Gas Cap!
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Default Lost Gas Cap!

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I've got a 93 Crownline 182BR and the dockhands misplaced my gas cap
this weekend. The boat is not with me in town at the moment and I need
to know what size cap I need as a replacement. Does anyone here know
what size diameter that would be...or point me somewhere that might
have it listed?
I've emailed Crownline but who knows how long it could take for them to
reply back.

I would get on to West Marine's website and see if you can find the same
filler. I bet the boat manuf used a standard off the shelf filler. If so
then run by any marina and get a new cap just make sure where ever the boat
is now that somebody has put duct tape over the hole. The new and improved
super-duper gasoline is very hydrophilic and will suck in any rain that
happens to find its way into the tank. You can also call any dealer that
sells the boat and ask the same question. I would bet they used a generic
filler and cap. I would not bother with emails. No company (or very few)
pay attention to emails any more.

good luck,