Thread: Fuel useage
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Default Fuel useage

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gilly wrote:
Hi guys

New member to

I'm looking to buy either a bayliner 2052 or 212.I'm guessing the boat
is of little importance as its the engine sizes that give me cause for
Can anyone give me an indication of fuel useage, i.e how many gallons
per hour cruising and flat out with either a 3 or 4.3 or 5ltr engine.
I've been told that a 5ltr would be heavy on fuel with the extra weight
and 2 cylinders,and a 4.3 could be almost as economical as a 3ltr,so
i'm wondering if the 4.3 would just be cruising at 35mph compared to a
3ltr working flat out and burning as much fuel.

The boat would only be used for leisure,cruising along the coast,a bit
of ringo and general messing about,so probably not travelling around at
full throttle everywhere.

Any facts/ figures or experiences on this matter would be really
appreciated.Thanks for your time guys.


I can't be sure about the dealers in the country from which you're
posting, but in the US the Bayliner dealers are furnsihed with a
comprehensive data booklet for each model that shows the results of
factory tests for fuel consumption, for each model, with different
engines and drive options. This is not the same document as the sales
brochure, and it's intended for internal use by the dealer and the
sales staff, but if it's available to your salesperson he or she would
have no reason to hide it from you. Providing you with accurate
information will help bring you to a decision, and that's your
salesperson's job.

Most people aren't set up to provide an extremely accurate report of
their fuel consumption.
Sitting around the waterfront bar, it seems that the fish are always a
little bigger, fuel consumption slightly less, and speeds considerably
faster than will be observed the following day on the water. :-)

My figures are based on a log I keep.........hours run and gallons needed
for a fuel fill up . That is about as scientific as I care to get and is
accurate enough for me. ;-)