RB wrote:
The Eagle ELC-1 and Lowrance LC-1 loran antenna coupler modules each have a
4 pin plug at the end of the long pigtail cable.
Their pinout for the 4 pin plug is:
1 ground
3 12vdc+
4 recv
Ground I understand. 12vdc+ I understand. RECV I understand. What I
don't understand is XMIT. What function does this wire play ? What would
be transmitted from a loran set?
I assume pins 3 and 4 would be jumped together and go to the center of the
chassis bnc fitting on most loran sets. Pin 1 would be hooked to chassis
ground. All this sound right?
That leaves pin 2. Does it just float?
My guess (sorry I can't promise accuracy on this)
is that the transmit and receive are for RS-232
data passing between devices, and not RF. I would
expect RF to go through shielded coax with
appropriate connectors. If so, you would probably
not want to connect the receive and 12 VDC
together. Does that make any sense?
Since the LC-1 is "obsolete" Lowrance isn't
providing any obvious support on their web site. I
would give them a phone call if someone doesn't
post the solution for you.
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