"Larry" wrote in message
"Vinny" wrote in
It's an old antenna, it was on the boat when I bought it. There's no
markings left on it but it has a blue and green pin stripe near the base
which I think is shakespeare (sp?)
If in doubt - Dump it and feel better....
What kind of boat is this on?.....
Sailboats should use Metz Manta 6...
The one I gave away with the Sea Rayder jetboat under it was on its third
fast boat. CG uses them on their boats, too.
NO FIBERGLASS for the UV to eat and fall apart.....
Guaranteed for LIFE.
It's on a '95 seaswirl striper walk around. This is my 3rd year with the
boat and I'm almost certain the antenna is the orginal. I don't know how
long they typically last but 10 years of sun and salt seems like a long time
a low end antenna to last.
I'll do a few tests with the guys next to me in the marina. Even with no
antenna, they should pick up a signal from 10 feet away. That will
at least prove the radio probably works OK.