The Tool Kit ,, The Tool Kit ,,
Thomas Wentworth wrote:
Ok, cruising people ... here is your assignment.
On every cruising sailboat there is a tool kit. Just for fun; what is in
that tool kit?
Name the tools, how many, what kind, what they do, all the gotta haves, how
do you carry them and where, ....
wd-40, duct tape, some clothes hangers, one handed pocket knife,
garbage bag ties, screw driver, handful of fuses, ziploc bags and
rubber bands, q-tips, wooden plugs and mallet, heavy duty cable
cutters, rope, a brick, electrical tape, cloth rags, multi-meter, wind
proof lighter, scraps of wire, twist on electrical connectors, assorted
bolts and nuts, a corkscrew, ball pein hammer, an extension cord, and a
sh*t load of bubble gum.