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Default Speaking of Monster Sharks

Anyone here ever hear of Hecktor the Hammerhead besides Merchant Marine

My ship replaced the USS Dixie on station in Deigo Gracia. They had a
huge man eater named Hector in garcia's harbor. A photograph in the
EM's club on Deigo Garcia has a picture of Hector biting and tearing..
in half... a 9 ft shark hanging out of the water on a chain next to the

A friend on the Dixie(first ship on the scene during the iran hostage
period) sent this message when I asked him about Hecktor.

As I remember, he had taken up residence in the lagoon for some years
and had taken a few divers lives over a ten year period. We were urged
to swim on the outer beaches instead of the lagoon because of this 15'
killer. Saw him up close by the port pier one evening. He was chasing
food up close to shore and his thrashing drenched all of us on the
pier! I also recall a $1,000. reward for anyone who could slay the
beast. The only taker I remember was a somewhat scrawny Seabee with a
look of too much hooch and sun named, "Luther." One day, Luther secured
himself a fine chunk of meat, some nylon line about an inch thick, some
milk jugs for bobbers and what looked like a baling hook. Luther tied
one end of the line to a coconut tree and swam into the lagoon with the
other end with hook baited and the jugs to mark the location and
suspend the meal. The next week I saw Luther not looking anymore
prosperous for his endeavours. He told me old Hector took the bait and
stripped the hook clean. Even bent the hook straight! He showed me the
tree that he had anchored to and there was a groove cut into its base a
half inch deep from the struggle. I always did wonder what happened to
Hector, and Luther.
