The ABYC requirement is in Section E-11.
Here is one reason:
Here is one result of not doing it:
Glenn Ashmore
I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division:
"Larry" wrote in message
chuck wrote in news:1150314306_2111
I strongly doubt they
were able to actually establish that claim.
Unplug boat.
Measure from ground terminal on boat power cord to marina ground.
Is it open?
Yes, boat ok, no ground problem
No, boat not ok, is causing corrosive electrolysis to everyone else.
A really simple test would be to just hook a test neon light, available at
any hardware store, between AC line hot and boat ground terminal. There's
no reason to connect the AC line ground to the seawater inside the boat.
IF ABYC says yes, it's stupid!