depth indication questions
Ed wrote in news:I3lkg.58308$qd2.32459
One I meet one I'll take him fishing so he can help me find the
yellow-eye snappers at 500'!!!
One of the best times of my life was a "Friends and Family Cruise" I took
with a friend, who was a first class radioman, but has now been promoted to
Ensign and really deserves it, aboard USS Pennsylvania (SSBN-735), one of
our fine Trident submarines, a few years ago.
Sitting in the sonarman's seat, listening intently to the sea in his
headphones, you get to listen in on a whole other world you have no idea
exists under the surface. Having Pennsylvania's expert sonar chief give
you the guided tour is like being admitted to a secret world few ever get
to experience.
It was an amazing day this old destroyerman will never forget....
I'll sail with the finest Navy crews on the planet, again, any time I'm
asked. What an honor it was to be there.