Use a 78st105 from Texas instruments.
96% efficient at 1.5 amps.
They also do a 3 amp part. for an application
a couple of external caps and you are away.
PS I have a tube full of them if you are just looking for one or two!
Larry wrote:
(Floating Mind) wrote in news:19445-4492F1B5-514
Thanks for the tips! I think I'm going to go with Larry's suggestion
and build the one he posted. The 110V adapter that came with the unit
states that it has a 2.4 amp output, but I'm sure that's only required
during charging.
Ok, so let's use a bigger regulator...(c;
oops, sorry for wordwrap. This IC regulator won't even get warm at 5A's a SWITCHER, which is what I always prefer...(c;
Build this one and have 5V power to, ah, charge...(c;