boat newbie needs info on repairing 14 ft leaking alum boat
Did the boat have salt exposure? The problem with rivets is that they are
only electrically bonded to the hull when they fit tightly enough. Once
they get loose, then they corrode and get more loose. There's no good fix
for that other than as you say, re-riveting ...and on most boats, it's not
worth the expense. I can't remember the name of it, but my brother found a
product that you could coat the outside of the boat with to seal up the
leaks. It was a black paint-like product, flexible, and it worked well.
Note that the standard philosophy for stopping leaking liquids is that you
put the sealer on the same side as the liquid so that the liquid presses it
against the surface you wish to seal. That's why boats with interior 'leak
fixes' and basements with 'miracle leak stop' products painted on the
interior always leak again someday ...period. If your boat were mine, I'd
look for a coating that works like the one my brother found for his and I'd
consider painting the outside of the boat to hide the black coating.
Good luck,
"Bob" wrote in message
Should it be re-riveted, or welded?
The leak isn't real bad -maybe a gallon of water every 15-20
minutes (a wild guess). Its not gushing up through, but I also
would not want to be out on the water far from shore for any length of
Any suggestions or recommendations would be very appreciated.
(I only paid $125 for the boat and motor.).
I had an 18' Al Grumman. Paid $50 for it. A bunch of cowboys had it for
a few years. not a rib left intact.
Construction adheasive on the inside will work. Drink a case of cheep
canned beer. You'll have the "repair" material needed.