boat newbie needs info on repairing 14 ft leaking alum boat
Try a 3M product 5200.
Don Dando
wrote in message
I've never had a boat before, but I just bought a 15-20 year old
14 foot aluminum boat, and 7 hp. motor.
I just want to use it on the local fishing hole -a 40-50 acre
pond (I think.)
The boat leaks at the front bottom where a couple pieces. of
aluminum come together and are riveted.
What's the best way to permanently or semi-permanently fix the
leaking area? Is there some kind of sealer that I can use, or filler?
Should it be re-riveted, or welded?
The leak isn't real bad -maybe a gallon of water every 15-20
minutes (a wild guess). Its not gushing up through, but I also
would not want to be out on the water far from shore for any length of
Any suggestions or recommendations would be very appreciated.
(I only paid $125 for the boat and motor.).