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Default So how much money..................

JimH wrote:

So how about you? (Chuck, you are granted immunity unless you want to fill
us in on the costs of your total makeover). ;-)

Between the new engine we put in a couple of years ago and the work now
being completed, we have spent more to restore and upgrade this boat
than similar vessels (of her same age) often sell for. That doesn't
make any financial sense, of course. But the first decision one makes
outside of the realm of financial sense is to buy a boat in the first
place. We're lucky enough to have money to spend as we wish, (within
reason), and we wished to have our "old boat" look fantastic more than
we wished to sell her off and get something else.

One way to look at it is this: For what I could have realized from the
sale of my tired and shopworn 36-footer and what we have spent on the
mechanical and cosmetic upgrades I could easily own a 45-footer.
However, the 45-footer that we would own at that figure would likely be
a 15-20 year old boat and would still need just about all of the work
that we have just accomplished. The boat we know and have come to love
will be a real headturner, and I'd rather have a bristol 36-footer than
a tired out 45-footer any day. (But that's just me, YMMV). In my line
of work, it's hard to go anywhere with the boat and be certain that
you're absolutely 100% incognito, so I worry more than a lot of people
might about having a boat that looks at least presentable. More than
anything else, though...after the good and faithful service she has
given us, and considering that some of the happiest times of our lives
have been spent aboard her, "Indulgence" deserved another lease on

We think there's one more boat in our future, a "retirement" boat in 5,
7, or 10 years depending mostly upon how long we're having a good time
working. When the time comes to pass "Indulgence" along to the next
owner, it will be like marrying off a daughter and we'll want to find
somebody that will take good care of her. If she looks as sharp then as
she's turning out now, we will be able to be a lilttle discriminating
about who we'll let enjoy her next; rather than being forced to take
the first (and maybe only) buyer that comes along. :-)