Grounding the battery
chuck wrote in news:1150990018_9283
In fact, I can think of a few reasons
why you would not want to bond it.
Just make sure the outboard has a nice shiny zinc to protect it from being
eaten and it will be fine, electrically.
I also recommend you NOT leave it submerged just sitting there at the dock.
Little creepy crawlers have this great love of tiny cooling system
passageways, the kind between the foot cooling water opening and the top of
the unpumped seawater up inside over the water pump. The little critters
think you're making them an artificial reef and will start CLOSING those
holes for the the next time you start it, there's no water
coming out the ****er in back....NOT GOOD.
Raise it out of the water and if you're storing it for next weekend, FLUSH
IT with the hose ears and dock fresh water. It'll last lots longer!