Thread: 12V to 5V
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Default 12V to 5V

(Floating Mind) wrote in news:12432-449C0826-371

It got
plenty warm. Not too hot to touch, but still plenty warm,

Cool....the idea and story, not so much the heat sink...(c;

People who hate switchers just don't understand them. They're waiting
for their series pass transistors to short putting the 40VDC primary
power unregulated to the electronics...(c;

If you can touch the heat sink, the fan is overkill. Hell, I'm typing on
a Gateway notebook with an AMD Turion 64-bit processor. Its fan comes on
about the time the air coming out of the heatsink feels like a heat gun
used for shrink tubing! Amazing what electronics (except electronics in
American cars) can take.

Glad you liked it. I have a rock solid 115VAC to 14V switcher I built
years ago that runs the ham radio station, here. My 650W RF power amp is
a Tentec Hercules II that was modified to take out the push-on connectors
and other cheapness. At full power it only draws about 126 amps at 14VDC
for its four parallel, push pull power amplifiers. The switcher was
built for it because I didn't like the crap power supply Tentec offered
that wouldn't run it anyway after the modifications. Using remote
sensing for the switcher regulator right up inside the amp to the power
distribution point inside the amp, output at that point only varies .2vdc
from no load to 126 amps on a good antenna. Instead of weighing the same
as a Humvee armored jeep, it weighs about 8 pounds and is quite small.
Efficiency is around 95% so it only gets warm on data modes like old RTTY
where it's keydown for many minutes at a time.

Next thing you know you'll be dumping WebTV for a Athalon 64 on