Just remember that at speed, if there's a sand bar - you'll be on it before
the depth/fish finder can indicate that you've run out of water!
"Rob L." wrote in message

I have some questions about depth finders and fish finders. I am looking
basically just seeing how deep the water is while im at speed (old 16'
penta unit so not extremely fast) pulling skiers and tubes. Will a fish
finder do this reliably or do i need a dedicated depth finder? I can get
good deal on a piranha max 20 and was wondering if this unit could do the
job. Some have told me that this unit wouldnt work if I was going at any
rate of speed but I figured I would try here where the experts on this
seem to be located. I would also like the use of the fish finder for my
infrequent fishing trips but the depth indication is more what im looking
for in our shallow lakes up here.
Any comments or suggestions of a direction to go is very greatly