JimH wrote:
wrote in message
I'm still trying to figure out this deal with the sailboat.
I'm sure many of you have seen this short clip before, but....
http://youtube.com/watch?v=hLGyTVXQ0...boat%20wre ck
Just another idiot blowboater (and yes, there are plenty of idiot
powerboaters out there) who thinks sailboats ALWAYS have the right of way.
He sure showed that other boat a lesson or two.........eh? ;-)
I just hate it when people jump to conclusions without any idea what
was going on. That is truly ignorant. Do you not think there could have
been a medical emergency? Perhaps the pilot slipped and fell? Perhaps
the steering went out? But, no, you instantly blame it on someone's
ignorance who you've never met, no nothing about the events leading up
to his demise, etc.