12V to 5V
Larry, Since you suggest it I think I'll tie the fan into the 140°
indicator circuit. 180° is meltdown so 140° should be way safe.
As far as the WebTV vs. PC goes, well, I have 2 computers. One with
'98, and the other with XP. I use them quite a bit for digital
photography, storing & transferring audio to my MP3 players, and my
other internet activities, but the WebTV is a better tool for these
discussion groups.
Glenn, I guess you didn't notice my original post. In it I neglected to
tell everyone what the current draw was for this MP3 player, so Larry's
original regulator would have been perfect without any modifications.
As far as efficiency goes I'm still ahead of the inverter. Besides, I
enjoyed the project, and sure couldn't find anything locally that'd do
5V for anywhere near $15!