Raytheon Chartplotter 320
Larry wrote:
"David Lapp" wrote in
Seatalk daisy chain
All the wires in a Seatalk are in parallel, not "daisy chained"....
Actually most seatalk networks have there cables "daisy chained".
Most Raymarine instruments offer two Seatalk connectors for conveniance,
which of course are just connected in parallel internally.
Pull the 320 cable off the Seatalk net. Verify each wire actually connects
to the 320 pin you think it should with an ohmmeter. Then, plug it into
the 320 (still disconnected from the network and hanging free). Boot the
320. Check that there is +12V on the +12V wire, ground on the ground wire
The 320 does _not_ provide +12v on the seatalk bus. The +12v pin on
the seatalk output is not connected. You just need to connect the
seatalk data line (yellow wire in Raymarine cables) and ground to the
network. Or use a ready-to-use cable with a seatalk connector on both