On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:44:45 -0700, Ed Henderson
Anyone out there know how to make a program like Excel (or whatever)
capture NEMA data from the GPS and put it into a spreadsheet or
database. What I'm trying to do is set up some kind of an auto ship's
log so that when I'm sailing the GPS will create a log for me every 15
min or 30 min or whatever. My old Nobletec nav program had that
capability but I've recently switched to Fugawi and I don't get a log
book from it. My GPS currently imputs info to my laptop and Fugawi, I
just haven't figured out if that info can be captured along the way and
utilized by another program to accomplish what I'm trying to do.
You may be able to do what you want by downloading the tracklog onto
your pc after the fact. You didn't say whether you absolutely needed
the log created in real time. Anyway, capturing nmea data and getting
it into excel isn't too tuff, but you first need to share the data
between 2 programs, which is a bit more involved. I use a program
called GPSGate to do that. I have an old writeup on my website with a
link to the GPSGate vendor's site he
You can download a trial there. The license was cheap last time I
looked. Full disclosu I have a minor business relationship with
the authors that occasionally results in a pittance of a referral fee
from them. Trust me, it's not enough to affect my judgement. It also
logs data, but probably not the way you want. GPS Express may be a
bit closer.
In any event, anything that can capture the NMEA data (and there are
several free programs out there that do it) will give you a file that
you can import into excel easily. I am sure I've seen excel add-ins
that can process the resulting data in various ways, but the names
escape me.
If I were you, I'd look for an app that captures the data and creates
a formatted "captain's log" in real time. I know this is easily
doable because I have done so, but it is only free to try. Check out
my sig below if you want to see it. It's overkill for your purposes,
but it may give you a better idea of what you can do. I have a feeling
that you can find the logging function for free if you look hard
enough. Google is your friend.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at world wide wiley dot com
To reply, lose the capitals and do the obvious.
Take a look at cpRepeater, my NMEA data integrator, repeater, and
logger at