"Meindert Sprang" wrote in
I wouldn't recommend using hyperterminal. It has some weird bug in it,
resulting in an error message "cannot open port" or something similar
when the port you are trying to open is already receiving data.
Try and find TeraTerm (free) on the net or use my multiplexer
configuration program, which has a feature to save incoming NMEA data
to a file. And all the com port settings are already done, just select
port and speed. This program can be downloaded he
That's fine. Glad you showed up to help him buy a new multiplexer...(c;
Hyperterm won't connect if another program is using the port because it's
an active transmitter, not just a port monitor. Again, simple serial, one
Let's dump this nonsense from 1970 and make all instruments DCHP plug n'
play on TCP/IP on Ethernet, like it should have been 10 years ago...(c;