Larry wrote:
Al Thomason wrote in
For heating water though
One wonders why we don't see the obvious solution to this hot water
problem more often....for free.....
Australia has lots of water bladder websites. I suppose the simplest
solution is too simple for us Americans used to advanced technology they
don't have on the Outback.
We are sold these rugged inflatable dingys and rafts made of nylon
materials that can easily withstand more pressure than your 12V water
pump can generate. So why can't we have a 6 gallon, flat black little
bladder that hangs off the stern with two black hoses, inlet bottom and
outlet top that pumps itself up and sits there in the FREE sunshine,
saving gallons of fuel by getting so hot you can't hold your hand on it
all day??
Well, maybe in Georgia it will work, us Europeans will get luke warm
water for 99% of the time. Oops, I mean -- it will stay *COLD* !
Admittedly, it is 30 degrees Celsius right now where I am typing this,
but that's not what we usually get. And with this steaming tropical
weather, hot water is not high on our priority list :-)