Follow up
I know Joe,
He's not one to rant and rave and is very fair when it comes to issues like
this. If he says he has given everyone a fair chance to address the issue
then I believe him.
Regardless as to what perception Guy has of Joe, if he is a nit picker or
not, Joe has a problem with his boat and it is M's and Guy's responsibility
to correct it. It seems to me that even if it is a local dealer issue, that
M should lean on the local dealer. After all M's service is only as good as
their dealer network. I was thinking of getting my MC's 100 hr service done
there but I am thinking twice now.
Joe, Best of luck...don't give up. That is a VERY sharp boat.
James D. McCarthy
"BrianS" wrote in message
"J.W. Frank" wrote in message
Comments welcome.
Joe --
(pictures available upon request, it sure looks pretty)
Malibus are know for leaking out of the HDS system. It's the box you
are referring to. Some boats will never have a problem while other
boats leak badly (like yours). However, M should step up and fix the
problem. They are not going to replace the entire boat however, nor
would I expect them to. That's like saying my car has a brake problem
so I want the manufacture to give me a new one.
M is aware of the problems and truthfully I don't know why they don't
just loose the HDS box. It is suppose to reduce the shaft vibrations,
but in reality, every other manufacture does just fine without it. It
would certainly cause fewer headaches for owners like you.
Yes is is a repairable condition. Yes it happens with some frequency.
Yes, some minor fiberglass work should fix the problem for good.
Yes, you should be happy with the boat again after the repair.
However, if M repair isn't good enough for you and you insist on
selling the boat and taking a bath - let me know, I'd be more than
happy to sell my MC and pick up a M for a great price. Maybe we can
just swap boats - its a 93 Mastercraft Prostar 190. You can e-mail me
at (remove nospam). 
Seriously, I'm sorry that you have had this problem. No one likes
having issues with their new boat. But I have to say you need take a
step back and allow M to do their job. I agree with Guy - I think
most people are going to understand M position and dismiss you as some
nit picking owner making outrageous demands (demanding a new boat over
a minor issue). Now if M doesn't step up to the plate and get the job
fixed in a reasonable amount of time or to your satisfaction, then you
have reason to rant and rave. Until then, let it ride and see how
things work out.