LED Anchor Light
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Chuck Tribolet
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 46
LED Anchor Light
Not necessarily legal. Anchor lights are type approved with a specific
bulb, and this ain't it.
"Spammy Spamson" wrote in message ...
18 LEDs, regulated... and legal... why re invent the wheel?
I bought one, it was easy to install (no polarity issue) works like a
charm, is easily the brightest anchor light I have seen and draws
A bonus is that it is distinct! Same differance as the "blue-white"
headlights and the ones on my car. They stand out from the rest.
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 16:37:47 -0400, Rodney Myrvaagnes
On 15 Oct 2003 06:04:29 -0700,
(Jim Woodward)
For most anchorages, we prefer an anchor light much lower than the
masthead. While it's traditional, and easy, the rules don't require a
masthead light, and we think a light hanging in the foretriangle or
off the boom is more easily seen by smaller boats. You can use a six
volt lantern battery for this.
see Colregs, Rule 30(b) "A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may
exhibit an all-round white light where it can best be seen instead of
the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule."
I agree. We hang a battery anchor light, wither in the foretriangle or
under the boom tip, when we are in an area with lots of small
motorboats around. A light 60 feet in the air might never be noticed
by someone buzzing around on a sea-doo-doo.
Rodney Myrvaagnes Opionated old geezer
Faith-based economics: It's deja voodoo all over again
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Chuck Tribolet
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