Just a Reminder
Charlie Morgan wrote:
On Sat, 8 Jul 2006 01:18:04 -0500, "Lady Pilot" wrote:
"Charlie Morgan" wrote:
Someone here has a 95 foot sailboat? Details, please! Photos?
Perhaps you are refering to me? I mentioned a client that had a 93 foot a
couple of months ago in Central America. No one hear was interested in
talking about sailboats, it was all about Kia mini-vans. But it explains
why they don't have a life and post here all day. :-)
No, it turns out it's "Joe" from Texas, who must be pretty new to boats, as he
thinks (insists!) that "hull speed" and "top speed" are the same thing. He made
a simple mistake, and then kept repeating it. He tends to make a lot of those.
His boat's theoretical hull speed is no where near what he claimed.
You are dumber than ****. And still sucking on the troll bait hanging
outta Bubbles gills.
If you feel you have the need to flop about the deck, find some fresh