"AndyK." wrote in
You need to tell us what type engine you are trying to start before we
can begin to tell you how it should work. Also the battery and battery
switch arrangement info would help.
The Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C turbocharged two-stroke diesel engine
We can't find where the handcrank fits or the compression release handle.
25,480 litres displacement
108,920hp at 102 rpm
5,608,312 lb-ft torque at 102 rpm
2300 tons....no ballast necessary.
It's a 2-stroke!....1660 gals/hr.
No...two 8Ds ain't gonna crank it....
I like the built-in steps INSIDE the crankcase, personally.
I wanna see the look on the Yanmar mechanic's face....(c;