On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 02:08:11 GMT, frank1492
If you have read all my messages, would you agree that the
transducer itself is likely the cause of the problem? If something
else is likely (or possible) I need to be careful because the
transducer will cost about $170.
I suspect that the transducer is the most likely problem, if there are
no obvious problems with the wiring or connectors. Best way to check
would be to borrow a transducer from a dealer, and try jut hanging it
over the side of the boat.
Are you saying that when I pull the transducer out, the
hole will go all the way through? Seems pretty risky with the
boat in the water. I assumed that it would be like a chamber
with the bottom sealed off so that I would just drop the
transducer in with no "fountain."
Thank you very much for your help!!
The speedo transducer will certainly pull out, and leave a big hole,
because you occasionally (often?) need to pull it to evict the marine
beasties that settle around the paddlewheel. If I recall correctly,
the depth sounder transducers I had on previous boats were one piece -
the through-hull fitting was part of the transducer, so the transducer
could not be pulled out. (but other makes may be different)
Peter Bennett, VE7CEI
peterbb4 (at) interchange.ubc.ca
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