Any other Contest owners out there
My wife and I bought our first boat, a Contest 28, about two and a half
years ago. Since then I have yet to meet another Contest owner, so I
thought I would look here. (When I mention "Contest" most get that
confused with "Contessa")
FYI, we bought the boat from a local Sea Scout Ship. Our surveyor said
that it was one of the better donated boats that he has seen. This was
an apparent win-win-win situation for the donor, the Sea Scouts, and us.
One of our main goals was to see IF we wanted to be boat owners, and we
have answered that with a strong YES. Wife and I are on SF Bay nearly
every weekend, and sometimes mid-week as well. The "Cappy Too" also came
in second place in the D division of the Bayview Boat Club beer can
races recently completed.