Pardon me, but...what is a "bubble boat?"
Bert Robbins wrote:
basskisser wrote:
JimH wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 02:04:38 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"
Any intelligent person who has kids can look at the rooms in a house and
figure out where a toddler's going to get into trouble. It's the same with
boats. It's obvious that certain tasks take place on the foredeck, and
it must be safe to get there and work there. If the designer or customer
don't see this, they're idiots. Some things are simply true.
Have you ever owned or been on the deck of a bubble boat?
Ours served us well and met our needs. I would not hesitate on recommending
one to folks boating in our area and having the same needs as we did.
Things in life are not as black and white as you sometimes see them
(especially with your political views). Tastes in boats differ between
people. Folks also have different needs. It is not a one boat fits all
world. Get used to it.
Had to bring politics into the fray didn't you? Can we expect another
of your bipolar rants to start?
Kevin, you need to go to your medicine cabinet. Grab the bottle of
Lithium, open it, take one out, and swallow it. Wait about an hour and
then start posing again.
Bert, care to take the $5000 challenge? Put up, or shut up! Simple,
isn't it? If you are so sure of yourself, you've nothing to lose.