1984 70 horse Yamaha overheating ?
oneslikfish wrote:
Billgran wrote:
"oneslikfish" wrote in message
My outboard overheat alarm goes off when backtrolling for a short
period of time. After 5 mins or so it runs fine again and the alarm
never sounds when running at normal speeds. Where should I start a new
water pump the thermostat or a clogged passige way.
On a 22 year old Yamaha, especially if used in sal****er, clogged
passageways are usually associated with high speed overheat problems, not at
idle. Most likely a worn water pump assembly and a corroded thermostat are
the causes and should be replaced first. Clean out any debris or corrosion
in the thermostat cavity and look for "eaten away" areas on the aluminum
castings. Replace the waterpump as a complete kit, not just the impeller.
There is also a possibility of a head gasket leak on a motor that old but
don't try to take things apart that you don't have to at the moment.
Be sure to let us know what fixes the problem
Bill Grannis
service manager 22 year old motor but completely rebuilt 5 years ago.Thermostat checks out good, cavity clean, engine never used in salt water. I am suspecting some sort of blockage or pressure control type of valve that is not functioning correctly. A diagram, schematic, or picture would help me tremendously right now. Do you no of a freeone I could look at on the net ?