Distress/ Diruptor Dk1600
You wrote in news:You-191D1D.10214322072006
You can read a lot of stuff in the FAR's but what actually happens out
in bush is a Totally different thing. NOBODY maintains a listening
watch on 121.5Mhz while flying, they are all on the local Enroute
Frequency for the zone they are flying in. That frequency changes as
they pass from one zone to the next. Yea, if the USCG or AirForce,
come up and fly formation, they will switch to Guard to see what's up,
but they don't MONITOR Guard in the normal course of flying. Big
Commercial Jets also don't monitor Guard either. They have one radio
set on Center, one on the AirInc Channel for the zone they are in,
and if they have a third, it is on the Company Dispatch Channel
for the zone they are in. If there should be a need for High Flight
Comms to an area being overflown by a Big Boy, Center will have the
nearest BIg Boy call on the Enroute Frequency for the zone that they
suspect the intended aircraft is flying in and see if the High Flight
aircraft can communicate with the intended aircraft. This is never done
on Guard, as nobody is listening there, unless a SAR is running in that
Rendering any 121.5 old EPIRB damned near useless....