Gasoline prices - another record high
"Chuck Gould" wrote in message
Butch Davis wrote:
Joy will be when it hits about $6 per gallon. Fewer boats on the water
enhancing the pleasure of those of us who will be out there regardless of
cost. Fewer cars on the road and those on the road driving a bit more
Major downside will be more sailboats.
Oh well, one can't seem to have it all. :=)
Assuming your post was somewhat tongue in cheek;
As much as we would all enjoy fewer boats competing for fishing spots,
space at a marina, or right of way in a narrow channel we actually all
rely on that great number of boats in at least an indirect manner. Cut
way back on the number of boats on the water, and expect to see the
service and support industries collapse like a row of dominoes.
Boatyards, chandleries, fuel docks, transient marinas, repair
professionals etc. are, in a lot of cases, just hanging on by
fingernails now. The boating industry attracts a lot of hobby
businesses, as well as people who think it would be "fun" to be
involved in boating, so competition can be brutal for the amount of
existing business. When all (or most) of the big block gas speed boats
are retired or used mch less frequently, that will
change the dynamics of the service and support marketplace. Products
and services might be come harder to find, and when found may prove to
be far more expensive.
Definitely have to agree with you there........the marina I am in is over
30% empty......(it is middle level for the area WRT price vs facilities.)
My fear is that if it goes on much longer like this, they will sell it to
some condo developer and the slips will disappear.