Larry wrote:
At this level, a lot of what the Keithley is measuring is the diode's own
generated voltage. Hook the Keithley to a silicon diode sitting on the
bench, not attached to anything. Depending on how hot it is (and how close
to any radioactivity it is), there's always a junction voltage from the
thermionic emission of the junction, itself.
Indeed! Actually the junction voltage
was ~50 millivolts so I "tuned it out"
as they say.
Got a hot radioactive source around? Keep the Keithley across the diode
and move the diode up against any beta or gamma sources and watch it fly...
(Depleted uranium bullets are great for this experiment. They're free in
Afghanistan and Iraq...)
I could try a smoke detector or Coleman
lantern mantle with thorium, I guess.
I'll pass on the DU though.
Which Keithley is it? I used to repair and cal them at the Metrology
Laboratory of the Quality Assurance Office, Charleston Naval Shipyard (Code
132)...may she rest in peace.
It's a 610B with electrometer tubes.
Works amazingly well for its age. It
does have a personality as you know.
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