Tell Us, Dave....
Dave has some crazy idea that his yacht club is an extension of his
boat. No doubt he wouldn't feel that way if he had a nice boat!
Tell us, Dave, does your club offer deals with most local restaurants
for 10-20% off? Do you also have deep discounts from a top local sail
loft? Do you get discounts from West Marine/Boat US? Do you have a
large dinghy dock where members can leave their dinghies ready to go?
Do you have wireless internet for members for all boats? Do you have a
full service center? Do you have a huge picnic deck overlooking the
sound with room for 40 people and free BBQ grills available?
Dude, snap out it. Just about everyone I know at a club like yours is
there to save money, not because they think it has any
advantages...which it doesn't. It's a cheaper way for cheaper boats.
Can Dave get to his boat during really bad weather? Nope. If it really
kicks up he can't check on her and must hope all is well. Can he keep
his boat clean and batteries charged? Nope. He has to plan things like
a real washdown and needs room at the dock to pull up. Once there he
can't stay there for long of course. It's always a tip for the launch
driver or a rubber dinghy run out to Daves rocky boat and always a wait
for a sail. Nothing like a motorboat ride before you motor out to good
wind, right Dave? Say, Dave...suppose it's really blowing and you just
want to relax aboard? Kinda hard to do as even in the cove it kicks up.
You can't even lite the grill!!! In 35 knots steady our slips are
barely moving.
Dave talks about being on his boat reading a book. Forgot the book?
Call the launch or row back yourself! Forgot the cool drinks in the
back seat...another boat trip and back! His daughter forgot her
sunscreen! Oh no!
Been there, done that. It's for poor folk.
Sure, Dave saves some serious money, but is it worth it? Both he and
the boat "pay in the long run." We get new sailboaters all the time
because of this, more each year. Why do you suppose three sailing
charters work out of our club and not HYC? Why is a sailing school
talking with us right now about relocation to our slips and moorings?
Oh, and if you sail with the elderly, have fun watching those hips snap
as they try to board the boat from a rocky launch!
Clubs like Dave's border on a scam once you've experienced a slip at a
well run club or marina. They sell you on the clubhouse and restaurant
and force you to use them...usually 500 per season. Yuck. They talk up
their parties and paid for those too. Wouldn't you rather
be on your boat?
Oh...and then there's safety. Even when we come in with bad weather,
Hart Island and the large breakwaters make the docks amazingly quiet.
They are also properly lit. If Dave comes in at's
dark...BOO! If the weather is bad and he manages to grab the stick he
can't even get back to shore!
My friend with a J29 here says he gets 1/3 more use out of his boat
since leaving a mooring. Of course. He has 100% full time access, which
he never had on the chain.
Moorings at a yachtclub = Scam on the LIS!