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Skip Gundlach Skip Gundlach is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 540
Default New WiFi Adapter

Hi, Wayne, and thanks for the note. To simplify, I'll clip mostly....

Wayne.B wrote:
On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 09:07:31 -0400, "Skip Gundlach" skipgundlach at
gmail dotcom wrote:

However, my goal has been to be able to do this wirelessly. That is, not
running antenna cable or ethernet from my computer to the top of the mast.

I'll have to power the unit(s) one way or the other. My goal was to be
untethered; power doesn't need my computer.

However, I have some doubt that it really can be done - despite the
folks over in alt.internet.wireless which has been very vocal in (well
one of them, anyway) saying that it can be done with exactly the gear I
have, including one who's done it multiple times for things like ski
resorts (put the gear on the top of the mountain).

I've sort of been nibbling around the edges of success but always get
bitten back by either failure to communicate (can't configure once
unhooked from ethernet) or IP conflicts.

If I have to go with a wire of some sort, I'm happy with the
directional results, over an active USB extension, of my Hawking unit
which I hang under my dodger. I'm not at all happy with the run/route,
but it's ok for on the hard where I'll still be for several/many weeks.

So, perhaps some weatherproof omnidirectional unit over usb would
suffice if I have to give up. I wish there were some outfit which made
an active usb cable in a single jump. I'm not happy about the thought
of daisy chaining the requisite 5 of them together to put it at the top
of the mast. OTOH, if I don't have to go to the top, and can make it so
I just don't hide directly behind the mast, perhaps I could get away
with putting it out the back. That would only be ~40 or so run, but
getting the wire (without building the cable in situ) through the arch
and back to the nav would be challenging at best, and perhaps
impossible, as we've got an awful lot going there already, and it's
only a 2" tube in the legs...

So, what name/number product do you have?


