Tell Us, Dave....
Dave wrote:
On 31 Jul 2006 04:37:06 -0700, "Capt. Rob" wrote:
Tell us, Dave, does your club offer deals with most local restaurants
for 10-20% off? Do you also have deep discounts from a top local sail
loft? Do you get discounts from West Marine/Boat US?
Nope. It's a yacht club, not a marina that puts up a sign and hands
out cards to anybody willing to write a check.
Hmmm. Harlem YC has a deal with local restaurants as well. Why not your
"club?" Because they want you to eat there and nowhere else? Nice.
On the other hand, we
don't have to beg a real club for use of sailing dinghies.
Nope, and they don't have to beg us for special deals on service.
I don't have to worry
about somebody's checking a reciprocity list for "North Minneford
Yacht Clut" and laughing at me as a fraud.
NMYC and SMYC are both fully recognised as yacht clubs. Sorry. It's
even listed in the NE Guide to Cruising. A marina is run by the city
and has few or no benefits.
And where they have to put locks on them to protect from local
Oh, you must be at the only place where nothing was ever stolen. Don't
worry, Dave. Those children are dead now and can't hurt you.
Nope. It's a yacht club, not a marina that puts up a sign and hands
out cards.
Actually, what dave means is NO, his club has not bothered to allow for
people to use e-mail and web on their boats, but I notice that Capri
does. Oh...another place you can't afford.
And a
club house with comfortable chairs inside and outside, a library, a
gallery displaying paintings of some of our talented members and a
real kitchen we can use--not just a permanently locked building with a
sign on it at a commercial marina.
What does a club house have to do with sailing. Condo board closed the
clubhouse and good riddence.
Because it's a marina instead of a yacht club?
Nope, actually you have no idea or you would have been better able to
make a point. It's not just about the slips, dopey. You have no clue.
Oh, and most real yacht clubs have sailing lessons, but they don't
have to rely on a commercial sailing school to provide them.
We have sailing lessons via two licensed captains and we work in
conjunction with other clubs here as well. You don't seem to get that
City Island is a boating community that actually works together. Folks
who can afford better, do come to us, but others still seek out our
BS, your every post simply demonstrates that you're at a marina, not a
yacht club. Nothing wrong with that if that's what you want. Been
there. Done that. Got the T-shirt. Just don't pretend it's something
other than a commercial marina.
Hey, dude. You can call it a comercial marina, but it's not. The slips
are privately owned, every one of them. Go to Bayside and see a
comercial marina. You clearly don't know the difference. Not only are
we the biggest and most expensive/nicest place around, we're also the
top stop for transients.
Sorry you couldn't afford better. Then again, we have Sabres, Tartans,
First Series Beneteaus, Island Packets, Bristols....real boats here.
Your boat belongs on the moorings along with Catalina 22's and Oday
25's. You're where you belong and I know you need that library to