Avoiding shoulder injury during high brace
Michael Daly wrote:
Courtney wrote:
It is encouraged that a low brace is used by keeping the elbow down and
using the back side of the paddle blade to skull.
So why not just use a high brace with the elbow down? A low brace on a
wave that's shoulder high is not exactly realistic.
I don't think that throwing a good brace away just because there's a
risk is a good plan. I've seen lots of instructors teach a high brace
with elbows tight to the side. Even the Duffek is taught with top arm
in front of the body. I teach side sculls and running draws with the
arm in front of the body too. All these approaches minimize risk to the
shoulder. As a paddler with bad shoulders, I wouldn't do these things
if I though they would be a problem.
This sounds like a liability fear more than good instruction policy.
I don't doubt that at all.
Personally, I use whatever technique works, whether it's "recommended"
or "approved" by anyone is irrelevent to me. I'm sure that some of the
bracing techniques I've used in big (~6') breaking waves would make an
ACA/BCU instructor choke, but they've saved my ass from potentially
dangerous side-surfing situations and I never felt any strain on my
shoulders. To me, it's a question of which is a bigger risk.
"First we kill all the lawyers..."
Of course! ;-)