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Mark Mark is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 50
Default Solara solar panels still in business, how about SpheralSolar?

GBM wrote:
But they do seem to be having problems in commercialising the SperalSolar
units . . .

No kiddin'!

May 21st, 2006 blog snippet:

"Ouch! is what we could hear ATS Automation shareholders across the
world say when they heard of the over $60million write-down for
investments in the Spheral Solar Technology they bought from OPG a few
years ago. In vastly underestimated the difficulties in putting this
technology into a "profitably reproduceable format".

I can understand ATS Automation thinking that given its long history in
production automation, that it could do what it took to make the
process work. However I suspect that they have been so aggressive with
the writedown because they frankly no longer believe it can work. Down
the tubes goes about $20M of Canadian government funding with this
promised project."