What's a little more manipulation from Big Oil among friends?
"Bert Robbins" wrote in message
. ..
JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
"Bert Robbins" wrote in message
. ..
3) If you're a competent leader, you realize that the enemy is driven
by the exact same religious zeal that drives your own decisions, and
which also makes you unfit for the office you hold.
What are you talking about?
This is probably too long a response for you to cope with, but your
answer is within.
There's a very short list of reasons why politicians do things which are
doomed to failure before they even leave the planning stage. It doesn't
matter whether it's a war, or some lame-ass public works project. A few
weeks ago, I watched with great joy as a city councilman was brutally
interrogated by a couple of citizens at a public comment meeting for a
ridiculous apartment project that will destroy a beautiful waterfront
park, and which only the politicians are in love with. The consultants
for this plan think 400 apartments would be feasible. The councilman
insisted that "the area could probably support 1000 units". One by one,
the two citizens went through the list of reasons below, and when they
got to #6, the councilman turned red and left the meeting.
1) Too stupid or incompetent to see what a bad plan they're in love with.
2) Too young to be aware of history and too proud or stupid to listen.
3) Old enough to know better, but too stupid to learn from the past.
4) Ego out of control - must do something, ANYTHING with the hope of
being remembered. "I'm a WAR president!"
5) Blind faith in the idea. This takes training, which I believe is most
likely found in religion.
6) Crooked: The politician is receiving some kind of incentive for his
love affair with the idea.
Your president certainly falls into category 1, 3, 4 and 5. Guaranteed.
He is our President!
You are really full of yourself today!
I've disowned him. He's YOUR president. His father was another story. I
didn't agree with everything he did, but I was still willing to use the word
"my" with regard to him.