Avoiding shoulder injury during high brace
I wasn't talking about you I just noticed that a variety of people weren't
aware and I was talking in general. Since I do both sea and whitewater
kayaking I cruise both newsgroups. I took an ACA instructor coarse for sea
kayaking about 4 years ago and again was taught to keep my elbow low on a
high brace. I mentioned the whitewater class since it was 10+ years ago and
just thought it was widely taught now a days. Since I learned the "elbow
down" high brace in both classes I was surprised to hear that it was still
being taught with the arm extended. When I started kayaking some years ago
I was originally taught to extend my arm in a high brace. It took a while
to change that but after tearing my rotator cuff three times I finally
learned. Some people never have a problem with it. I guess I was one of
the unlucky one's.
wrote in message
If you're talking about me ("You talking about ME?"), I never said
anything about the ACA and elbow up/arm extended braces. I quoted the
ACA documents for Level 3 and 4 coastal kayak assessments that state
that paddlers should be able to do both high and low braces. This is
for coastal kayak, not WW (rec.boats.paddle.touring, right?). When
you're broached and bracing into a 3 foot breaker, a low brace really
doesn't work as well as a well-tucked high brace. And yes, extend your
arm in that situation and they may be carting you off to the ER.
Now I'm wondering, did the ACA ever "encourage a high braces with the
elbow up (or arm extended)" or are we chasing a chimera?
Courtney wrote:
It's interesting that I'm seeing people not knowing that the ACA doesn't
encourage a high braces with the elbow up (or arm extended) anymore.
When I
started teaching whitewater and took the class about 10 years ago they
us it then. I haven't checked their web site out lately but I wonder
they're not making it known. I do recall that my instructor trainer
called the low elbow a high brace but we were also using the backside of
blade as well. It's easy once a person is used to doing it and can be
without a problem in big water. I happened to notice (because of this
thread) that I used it three times the other afternoon in class III / IV
with side kicking waves and holes.
wrote in message
I must have missed the memo from ACA,or perhaps their web site is out
of date, but several places there is mention of using both high and
braces, for example in the Level 3 and Level 4 Assessments. Only low
brace appears in the Level 1 skill set, though, so Brian may be right
WRT beginning paddlers.
The elbow tucked down position is the one I teach, after a long
about dislocations.
John Fereira wrote:
Brian Nystrom wrote in :
Davej wrote:
I have seen this discussed in the past with a high degree of
uncertainty and confusion. Have basic hand position guidelines
settled upon? Thanks.
What has happened is that the ACA and BCU are no longer teaching
recommending high bracing.
When did that happen? As of a couple of years ago a high brace for
(both from a stationary position and on the move) were required for
3 star assessment.