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Default OT JoeTechnician licensed engineer or not?

"Joe" wrote in message ...
Then, did you not turn around and say that, yes you were licensed as
an engineer in GA?

No, NEVER did I say I was a Licensed Engineer in GA or Fl

Then, did you not turn around and say that you were licensed in GA
through reciprocity?

Again, Limited Energy License.

No such animal in Georgia. Show proof.

Your right, in Ga it is called Georgia LV-T or LV-G

There is NO reciprocity for a contractor's license in GA.

As usual, you are wrong.
From Florida Department of Business Regulation-

Let's see, I said there is no reciprocity for a contractor's license
in GA, and you give me crap about FL!!!! What a stupid man,

Call it want you want. If I want to contract in Ga, I can.
Takes nothing more than providing a copy of my Fl license and $20 or $30

Yes, as I said, anybody with a few bucks can get a contractor's
license in GA. Now, just what WAS that Georgia reciprosity for? Huh?
You've come a long way in your lie. First, you were an engineer in FL,
and GA. Now you are a contractor, with a normal every day contractor's
license. NOW you've just eluded to the fact that you don't HAVE a
license in GA, but can get one for $20. So, what WAS that reciprosity

2. Q. Does Florida endorse with other states?
A. Yes. Florida has endorsement agreements with Georgia and North


An indorsement for a common contractors license is in NO WAY
reciprocity. Please prove reciprocity with GA.

What's an "indorsement" Dummy?

Gone so far in your LIE that you have to correct spelling? How about
some REAL questions:
Where are you licensed as an engineer again? OH, FL and GA.
Reciprosity in GA. But now you are claiming that you can get a
contractors license. ANYBODY can. Now you are saying you CAN get a GA
contractor's license. Reciprosity was for???

The following is an endorsement matrix listing the license categories:
Florida Unlimited (EC) = North Carolina Unlimited
Florida Unlimited (EC) = Georgia Class II plus LV-U
Florida Alarm I (EF) = Georgia LV- U
Florida Alarm II (EG) = Georgia LV-A
Florida Residential Specialty (ES) = Georgia Class I
Florida (Low Voltage) Limited Energy (ES) = Georgia LV-T or LV-G

So freaking what??? This shows that you can get a CONTRACTOR'S license
in Georgia. ANYBODY can!!!

Think so? You're getting dumber by the minute, Dummy

Let's get back to the part where you claim
to be an engineer. I could care less whether you can pull wire in the
ceiling of an office building. I originally said you weren't an
engineer in GA and you aren't.

I am currently employed as a Telecommunications Engineer.
I have never said I was a Licensed Engineer in Ga. You are the one that is
stuck on the notion that to be a "Engineer" you MUST be a "Licensed
Engineer" or a "Professional Engineer".

You never answered my question concerning the Engineers at NASA that do not
hold P.E.'s.
Do you think they're Engineers?

No. They are scientists. They may be educated as engineers. They may
or may not be licensed as engineers.

My Limited Energy License is not so *I* can pull wire in buildings, it so I
can hire people to install communications cabling, and equipment in
buildings. You do not personally need any license to install, only the
contracting company does.
I ONLY use/need this license when I contract out to the public. At the
moment I am under contract in an Engineering role and not contracting out to
the public.

Also, a contractor's license is a LONG way from a license to practice

Again, since I don't need it, I don't have it.
When I *do* Engineer systems my plans are incorporated into the Division

plans and stamped by a P.E.

You mean when you pull wire?

Please keep it a secret that I pull wire.
I wouldn't want my current employer to know that a "wire puller" is
designing their new long haul SONET network.

Yeah, sure, JoeTechnician. You've been caught in a very long winded
lie. Should I recap just exactly what you've claimed, and then backed
away from, thus far?