Open Office seems to have a draw function. The standard flowchart symbols
and arrows are available in draw (controls are at bottom of draw screen),
"Glen "Wiley" Wilson" wrote in
message ...
On 6 Jul 2006 03:34:23 -0700, "Ants" wrote:
Whats your preffered choice for drawing boat wiring diagrams? Most
electronics CAD software I have seen is more aimed at circuit layout
than wiring. Would be great to have somthing where you could connect
the points but move the objects around etc.
I use Visio for that. You get more of a block diagram than a true
wiring diagram, but it does let you move objects around as you
specified. If you want to see one, take a look at my web site at
Select the link for "DC System" to grab a pdf I made from a Visio
Wish I had something better (and free) to recommend.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at world wide wiley dot com
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