Can anyone answer a question about Mercruiser Alpha one outdrive water seals
I have a 1989 Stingray with a 3.0 liter Mercruiser engine with an
Alpha one outdrive. I have been getting about a half a cup of water
in the foot after about every 4 hours of operation. I have been
changing the foot oil after every use (4hours) so as to keep things
from going poop until I could put it in the shop. I recently changed
from the expensive Mercruiser outdrive lube (quicksilver) to a cheaper
80W90 gear oil (seeing as I was changing it after every 4 hours of
operation). I have been noticing what I thought was gear oil in the
bilge, but was not sure until I changed lubes. Now I am positive that
I have gear oil from the foot in the bilge. My question(s) are
these.... would it be that the upper water seals in the outdrive are
causing the water to get into the foot and the oil to leak into the
bilge? Question number two....I am a decent mechanic.....without
having specialized tools, is it practical for me to replace the seals
myself (I did rebuild a Porsche motor several years give
you a benchmark of my mechanical capabilities)
Any help would be appreciated.