"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"P. Fritz" paulfritz ATvoyager DOTnet wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Joseph Arseneau" wrote in message
Hi Guys,
I was recently out in my 1990 Seary Cuddy Cabin when I hit something
under the water. After hitting what I presume to be a rock I was
unable to move the boat. No matter how much throttle I gave, the boat
would not move. Is this what is called prop slip? It was like driving
a car with a bad clutch. Can anyone tell me what happened and how do I
go about fixing it? Is this able to be done in the water or will I
need to take the boat out of the water? I appreciate any and all help
with this.
There is a rubber hub in the middle of the prop. You hopefully sheared
the rubber, and not broke a gear. You have to be able to remove the
prop. May be able to do it in water, with the drive tilted up.
That, or he sheared all the blades off the prop :-)
Or the prop is gone. Talking to an aquaintance that fishes Mexico often
the other day, he related this story. They came back from a day of
fishing and their friends on another boat were not around. figured there
were out on the town. 3 days later, they see the guys and asked about the
fishing. They said they were out about 20 miles and the boat stops going.
Deckhand jumps in to see what is the problem. Says no propeller. They
said install a spare. Spare? You loco. No radio, and they floated for 3
days until another boat found them.
20 miles out with no radio.......that is nuts!!!