A boat likely to be of interest
Harry Krause wrote:
Considering what I would consider the miserable boating weather you have
up there (wet, cold, rainy, unswimmable), I can't imagine that Crownline
being too popular, though I did love the line about pulling waterskiers,
in wet suits, right?
Only during the winter months. You're overlooking the fact that we have
a lot of freshwater boating opportunities up this way. A lot of water
skiing is done on Lake Washington, for example, a huge freshwater lake
that is fully accessible to boats of all sizes via the Chittenden
Locks. The freshwater lakes are a little warmer than the sound, and
people commonly ski on them.
Heck, you could even tow this boat (with a wide load permit- $250 a
year and no night towing) and get to Lake Roosevelt or some other area
where it's actually *hot* in the summer. :-)