A boat likely to be of interest
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:09:38 -0400, Harry Krause
JohnH wrote:
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 16:23:27 -0400, Harry Krause
JohnH wrote:
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:33:21 -0400, " JimH" not telling you @ pffftt.com
"JohnH" wrote in message
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:38:55 -0400, " JimH" not telling you @ pffftt.com
"Reginald P. Smithers III" wrote in message
. ..
JimH wrote:
"Chuck Gould" wrote in message
JimH wrote:
A shame that a 32 footer can handle only sheltered water because the
will flood, especially in following seas. I can't seem to find
mention that in your review though. ;-)
One has nothing to do with the other.
Bluewater boaters routinely see water on deck. That's why scuppers are
built into bulwarks.
This boat is relatively shallow draft, moderate freeboard, and fairly
light displacement.
Nobody would recommend this boat for offshore use under "small craft
warning" weather conditions, certainly including the manufacturer.
Wouldn't matter if it had a transom 4 feet high.
A following sea would not routinely flood the cockpit. Anybody who
would panic if a strong following sea broke across the swim platform
and momentarily put a half inch of water into the cockpit would be
advised to choose a heading that doesn't expose the stern directly to
following sea.
(I could probably dig up a link to an entire series of racing
built with no transom at all........)
No one said anything about open bluewater or offshore use Chuck. You
said the boat was built only for calm sheltered water as the boat will
take on water in rough or following seas. A shame a 32 footer is not
built to take on some moderately rough conditions. And that was my
because in your review you never said anything about these
The post by Chuck Gould was an well written article for a boating
magazine. As we have discussed many many times these "info-articles"
not reviews and don't pretend to be critical boating reviews.
If he chooses to post the advertisements here then he should be willing to
accept criticism on them.
And a review of a boat without bringing out it's flaws is nothing more
an advertisement. ;-)
The points I brought up are valid and the result of a poorly engineered
boat. I cannot imagine a 32 footer not capable of taking on open water
5 foot seas.
Did I miss something? Where did Chuck say the boat couldn't take 5 foot
seas? Hell, my 21'er can take 5 foot seas.
Yes John you missed something.
You misread, then misquote, than argue against your misquotes as though
they were stated by the OP.
No I didn't. Here is exactly what Chuck wrote:
"Tha said, the most natual fit for this boat would be somewhatsheltered
waters. I don't think it was really intended to slop around in 30-kt
winds and 5-foot chop. You would want to be off the water if you owned
this boat- as well as most other boats, when something nasty like that
kicks up."
Read it twice......make that three times so you fully understand. OK?
Anne Arundel County Schools are also facing a reading comprehension
Now what is that saying about people in glass houses? ;-)
Read closely. "Not intended for..." and "not capable of" are two different
things. My pickup is 'not intended for' carrying a 3/4 ton load. It most
certainly is *capable* of doing so.
Reading comprehension is a big problem in Prince George's County Schools
also, especially at the 4th grade level.
***** Hope your day is great! *****
What's with these screwball school system references?
Many Maryland counties are having big problems achieving their desired
improvement levels. Perhaps you missed the news a couple weeks ago.
***** Hope your day is great! *****
So? Why would this be of any interest here?
One of your buds is suffering from the same problem. Perhaps he could get
some help from the school web site.
***** Hope your day is great! *****