OT Glad for Vonage!
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 11:17:38 -0400, Harry Krause
basskisser wrote:
This morning the phones in the neighborhood where I live were all out.
I didn't even know it, because I have comcast high speed and vonage! I
asked the Bellsouth Technician why he was checking the line in front of
my house, because I was going to tell him it's dead to my house because
I don't have Bellsouth. He said he was checking because some digital
device that serves the whole neighborhood went out, and they are trying
to restore service!!!
Wonderful. Our security alarm system sent out a letter recently advising
customers NOT to transfer to VOIP unless they leave a wired traditional
phone line in place or subscribe to a special, new, expensive cell service.
Wanna guess why?
The security company says it is working on a VOIP solution but so far,
it "is not reliable."
If the security company isn't reliable, I'd get a new one.
You've identified many reasons why you can't switch to VOIP. That's a
shame, and we all feel sorry for you.
Maybe your neck of the woods just isn't ready for it yet.
Good luck. Oh, how do you like the D200 and the VR lens?
***** Hope your day is great! *****