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Steven Shelikoff
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Default Usage of motoroil

On 13 Aug 2003 04:07:21 -0700, (basskisser) wrote:

(Steven Shelikoff) wrote in message

Whoa, there. One thing at a time. Please finish answering my reply.

Where did you train?

Why do you care?

As I suspected. You don't know a damned thing about Karate, except
what you've seen in movies!!!

You're making assumptions based on no knowledge. That's one thing
you're very good at, the only thing.

What belt level are you?

Why do you care?

Again to find out just how much you know about Karate. What DO you

What I know is that if you really have been taught karate, you have
learned your lessons about as well as you've learned about engines ...
which is nil.

What's the lineage of your school?

You seem to be obsessed with me. Why do you care about my personal

I could care less about your personal life. I just want to know,
seeing how you try to come off as an expert of everything, where you
get your knowledge of Karate. Now where IS that dojo?

See, you are obsessed with me. Now you want to know details of my
personal life. You are a nutcase.

I also asked, seeing how Karate is a DEFENSIVE martial art, do you
honestly think that, when confronted, and you are in a defensive
posture, that you should succumb to tradition?

Yeah, right. You threatening to snap necks because you get frustrated
when losing a usnet argument is really being DEFENSIVE. Get a clue for
once, will ya?

You need to get a clue. In all of your Karate training, (where, who
long, what lineage WAS that?) didn't you learn that you are also
supposed to defend you HONOR?

No, not with physical threats or violence. That is the antitheses of
what karate is. It's also proof you know nothing about it.

It's funny, I ask these questions, then you snip, just like skipper,
to make it sound like you want, and then you can also answer only the
points that won't make you look like you don't know what you are
talking about. Now, again, where do you get your knowledge of Kenpo
Karate from?

Why are you obsessed with me and also avoiding the topic of the thread?

Because you are a stupid putz, trying to make everybody think you know

You're succeeding in making everybody think you know nothing.
