AIS Position Error?
"Paul" wrote in news:44f298f3$0$34535
Callsign: 3EKW8
Of course, in our usual mode of "strict radio silence", which I will never
understand, we could have CALLED 3EKW8 on Channel 16 or 13 and had a chat
with the mate on duty to ask him why his AIS was transmitting the wrong
position, right??
Did he not answer your call?? If not, did you try his MMSI on Ch 70? That
usually wakes them up, these days.
I'm sure the Lady Madonna doesn't bite. One first mate tried to trade
Lionheart for his 950' containership, but I told him my VISA card couldn't
feed it at the fuel barge...(c; I always call them late at night on 13.
It keeps both of us awake. They're usually bored to tears.
There's amazing intelligence in the Universe.
You can tell because none of them ever called Earth.